Create Embeddings

This little tutorial uses Pinecone, but Qdrant is also supported.

1. Go to the "Dashboard" of AI Engine:

2. Enable the "Embeddings" option to display the "Embeddings" tab for later :

3(a). Go on Pinecone's website and access your dashboard by login in. There create a new Project with the free tier starter plan.

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3(b). Then head to the "API Keys" tab and you should see a "Default" one there. If not, please create one using the button "Create API Key". Then use the eye icon "πŸ‘οΈ" to display the value and copy it :

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3(c). You can now create an index. Choose a name and dimensions. The dimensions should match what you have under 'Default Environments for AI > Embeddings' inside the AI Engine settings. Simply use the 'Setup by model' option and choose the one you want to use.

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3(d). You can now get the β€œHost” value that we will use inside of AI Engine.

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4. Go back to AI Engine and in the "Settings" tab, find the "Pinecone" section and insert the value of your previously copied API Key :

5. Enter you API key and the "Server" should match with your HOST :

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6. Now, access the "Embeddings" tab of AI Engine:

7. On the right of your screen you should see a little window with a dropdown to select your created env.

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  1. If you want to change your index settings you do so directly in the Setting tab of AI Engine under this section:
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9. Everything should be setup correctly at this point. You can now add embeddings by clicking the "Add" button on the top left of this display.

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